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Educo courseware and management system are delivered through four different products.


Digital content

EducoSoft delivers rich digital content for colleges, K-12 grades, and self-learners. Some of the main types of learning resources are:

  • Interactive tutorials
  • Computer generated examples
  • Computer generated test your skills
  • Practice Sheets with unlimited practice options
  • Large pool of free response questions
  • Large pool of multiple choice questions
  • e-Books
  • Video lectures
  • Ability to add external resources
  • Printed Textbooks

Technology solutions

Educosoft is learning and instructional platform that has all the tools and resources necessary to deliver and manage courses over the web. Here are some of the core features of this platform. Each of these has several unique options that make this platform extremely powerful.

  • Assessment authoring and administration more info
  • Course authoring more info
  • Reports with performance tracking and monitoring more info
  • Online Grade book more info
  • Productivity tools more info
  • Communication / Collaboration tools more info
  • Parent View (for Schools and Self Learning only)
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Educosoft offers a robust and flexible technology platform for Course Redesign and supports emporium model as well as many other course redesign approaches.

  • Modular structure
  • Customizable content
  • Highly interactive, visually appealing, and engaging digital content
  • Effectively diagnoses individual strength and weakness
  • Study guide that leads to concept & module mastery
  • Significantly accelerates student progress through effective Diagnosis-Exemption- Learning cycle.
  • Auto transfer of student records across terms
  • Flexible grade book and customizable grading criteria
  • Real-time progress tracking
  • Administrative controls
  • Centralized management of policies, standards
  • Collaboration tools
  • More Info…
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Delivery method

Educo courseware and management system are delivered directly to students and faculty through the following four channels:

  • EducoSoft online: 24/7 access from anywhere internet is available.
  • Educo LAB: Access from instiution's computer LAB. more info
  • Educo LAN: Access from institution's local area network only. more info
  • Educo FD: Access from a computer with a USB port (no internet required). more info
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Educosoft Content Services

If you decide not to use EducoSoft content and instead want to have your own web-deliverable content based on your printed materials, you can count on Educo to do the job for you. Educo has dedicated and experienced digital content production team that can produce quality content in a short turnaround time.


  • HTML5 based Interactive Tutorial
  • eBook
  • MC Questions
  • HTML5 based Free response Questions

Course Authoring (based on syllabus or curriculum)

  • Creating course structure
  • Uploading course content
  • Course content revision
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About EducoSoft

Educo International Inc. (Educo) was founded by Dr. Man M. Sharma in 1985 to provide quality education tools, products, and services globally.

Our Vision is to provide quality education solutions accessible anytime, anywhere Internet service is available.