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Due to scheduled upgrades and maintenance, the website will not be available on Saturday, July 20th, 2024, from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM EST.

Extensive learning activities, powerful assessment system and comprehensive LMS with communication and collaboration tools.


  1. Online Content
  2. Assessment
  3. Course Creation
  4. Performance Reports
  5. Online Grade book
  6. Productivity Tools
  7. Communication / Collaboration tools

Online Content

  • Compatible with textbooks
  • Online Lecture Notes for instructors
  • Online Tutorials for students
  • Import from Educo content repository
  • Add your own content
  • Question bank with solutions
  • Instructor can add their own questions
  • Examples with several versions
  • Practice tests for each objective
  • Homework with embedded tutorials
  • Quizzes for each topic
  • Skill Tests to check speed and accuracy

Course Creation

  • Use Educo standard courses
  • Create custom courses with Educo content
  • Create custom courses with your own content

Online Grade book

  • Preloaded grade book settings
  • Edit default grade book setting
  • Online Assessment grades recorded automatically
  • Scores for hand graded assessment can be added manually
  • All grades can be edited manually
  • Import/export of the grade book data
  • Various scoring options

Productivity Tools

  • Bookmarks
  • Notepad
  • Doubt pad / Query
  • Glossary
  • Articles
  • Web Links
  • Documents
  • Videos


  • Create online homework
  • Create online quizzes
  • Assessments with multiple choice or Free response or both
  • Print assessments
  • Online assessments graded automatically
  • Allow multiple attempts
  • Add your own question types (various options available)
  • Randomization of questions
  • Randomization of question choices
  • Password restricted
  • Date / time limited
  • Assign different weights to questions
  • Create multiple section on online tests
  • Assign different weights to each section

Performance Reports

  • Grade Reports
  • Averages by category
  • Average by assessment
  • Score by assessment
  • Summary grades
  • Activity Time Reports
  • Tutorial Time Reports
  • Activity Time vs. Grade Report
  • Reports with Item Analysis
  • Score editing from grade report
  • Student activity time (administrator)
  • Instructor activity time (administrator)
  • Test Item Analysis

Collaboration Tools

  • Internal E-mail
  • Announcements
  • Chat
  • Discussion Forum
  • Queries

About EducoSoft

Educo International Inc. (Educo) was founded by Dr. Man M. Sharma in 1985 to provide quality education tools, products, and services globally.

Our Vision is to provide quality education solutions accessible anytime, anywhere Internet service is available.